How many entries may I submit in a club competition?

Each member may enter four images at a given competition evening.

  • A maximum of 3 images may be submitted in the Open category
  • 4 Images may be submitted in the Set Subject category
  • A minimum of 1 image must be in the Set-Subject category

(See house-rules)

What are the rules for digital image sizes?

Images must be entered in the HD category of Photovault and the size may be up to the maximum dimensions of 1920 (width) and 1080 (height).

The file size may not be more than 2 Mb.

What are the rules for Print format and sizes?
  • Prints should not be framed or blocked, but be mounted on firm backing material (for easy display and to prevent damage during handling).
  • The correct orientation should be indicated by the word ‘top’ or with an arrow pointing towards the top edge, on the back of the mount.
  • Prints can be on any medium (paper, canvas, etc.) as long as it is mounted on firm backing material. No framed or blocked print is allowed.
  • The minimum size of a print (without the mount) should be 20cm x 25cm (8” x 10”).
  • The maximum acceptable size of a print (including the mount) is 40cm x 55cm (16” x 20”).
What are the rules about the date when the photo was taken?

There is no date rule for images entered in the OPEN category.

For set-subject, only images falling within a 12 month rolling period preceeding the competition month may be entered for evaluation in the set subject category. For example, if the current month is March, then any images taken between March of the previous year up to and including the current month (March) can be entered into the set subject.

May the same image be entered again?

No, an image may not be entered more than once.

An image may not be entered again even in a different medium (digital and print).

An image may not be entered again if converted to Mono or visa versa.

Can I enter any image in the Open category?



Any image or print that the committee considers pornographic or offensive may be disqualified.

May someone else edit my image?

No, the original image and all elements therein must have been taken by the photographer, whatever photographic medium is used. All actions in reaching the final presentation must be made by the photographer. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his/her own.

May I use background or elements downloaded from internet be used in my image?

No, the original image and all elements therein must have been taken by the photographer, whatever photographic medium is used. All actions in reaching the final presentation must be made by the photographer. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his/her own.

What is TLS (Tyger Learn and share)

 Our aim is to further our understanding of photography through:

  • Regular critique sessions
  • Invited guest speakers
  • Workshops

Whether it is a lecture or an interactive work session, we are planning sessions that will both inform and inspire. We will meet on the second Thursday of every month.

Until further notice, all Learn & Share events will be hosted via Zoom. To attend, please email info@tygerphoto.co.za for access.

What is the PSSA?

The Photographic Society of South Africa is the officially recognised body representing photographers in Southern Africa.

Click <<here>> for more information about the PSSA.

What is the benefit of joining PSSA?

View the benefits on the PSSA website.

click <<here>>

What is a Salon?

A salon is an official, sanctioned event where (mostly) amateur photographers submit images in particular, specified categories with very specific guidelines and rules, compete for acceptances, Certificates of Merit, Division winners (winner of a particular category) and medals. There are no cash prizes or sponsored prizes to be won other than a medal or the bragging rights of having the best image in a category.

There are also the advancement points you receive for your acceptances and CoM’s and this helps the amateur photographers to advance from one star grading to the next.

Why would I want to take part in a salon?

The fact that you belong to a club shows that you are serious about your photography and you want to improve. Constructive criticism is therefore important. It gives you an idea of how much you have improved in your photography since salon judging is on a national level, far wider than club judging. If you have exposed your images to national judging then you have another measure as to how much progress or otherwise you have made. You also need salon acceptances to be promoted to a 4 star grading and higher in TPS.

for more information on Salons

Click <<here> to view the PSSA website.

What is “PSSA honours” and how can it be achieved?

Honours are awarded in recognition of photographic mastery, skill and achievement and any full member of PSSA may apply.

A full description of honours is available on the PSSA website.

Read more on the PSSA honours web page: <<here>>

How is the Photographer of the year chosen?

This award is based on the HIGHEST total score for all images judged at monthly meetings in each section (Print and Digital). The scores achieved at each club competition during the year from November to October the next year is accumulated to get the total points.

The members with the highest total points irrespective of grades, at the end of the year will qualify for the ‘Photographer of the Year’ award.

Recognition will also be given to each star ranking. The member will compete at the ranking with which they enter the calendar year and their accumulative points, as described above, will be used to determine the winner and runners-up of each star ranking for that year.

The number of times achieving the “overall winner” and “category winner” at club competitions will be used to determine the winner in case of a tie.

How is the image of the year chosen?

The Image that scores the highest point in either Print or Digital sections at the Western Cape Interclub Competition for that year, will be awarded the image of the year at our Prize giving Function.

The regional Representative of PSSA shall be asked appoint the winner in case of a tie.